Beauty Solutions
Problem # 1: Tired and Puffy Eyes
When you wake up, splash your face 40 times with cold water for 10 minutes or place cucumber slices over the lid & under the eyes. Also, an ice cube in cling- film can alleviate puffiness & another good idea is to try ice-cold teaspoon, kept in the freezer (stainless steel is better than silver which warms up too quickly). To disperse bags try a ‘tapping’ massage. Use your middle finger, tap the under-eye area lightly & quickly, moving from the inner corner to the outer corner of the eye & back again in a semi-circular movement.
Another way to get rid of puffiness in the eyes is regular, vigorous exercise & it is important to watch your diet – try cutting down on salt & alcohol as they make the problem worse.
Problem # 2: Thin Lips
If you have thin lips you choose a lip liner you like & draw just outside your natural lip line, filled in with a paler color lipstick. A lip line which is obviously false can make you look like a clown so make sure you don’t use too much color. When applying lip liners, rest your hand against your chin, & work from the outside of the mouth towards the middle.
Finish with a little gloss or highlighter on the upper lip to create the illusion of extra fullness.
Problem # 3: Eyelashes Dyeing
If you want to do this at home, get a friend to help because it’s quite a fiddly process one tip is to apply the dye with a mascara brush which makes the process less messy & prevents dripping. It is also advisable to apply the dye close to the edges of the lashes as the color is tasking effect. Once you have had them done they need to be touched up every 4 to 6 weeks. These aren’t any risks associated with eyelash dyeing.
Problem # 4: In Summer In & Out Makeup Color
Blue bright colors are in this summer, as are bronze & gold. Soft iridescent colors are out so avoid them
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