If your upper lip has turned dark, your lifestyle may be to blame — anything from excessive use of lip color to smoking to sun exposure can darken your skin. But a few simple home remedies and lifestyle changes can help lighten your upper lip and even out your skin tone. Here are a few to try.
Stop using lipstick. Lipsticks — especially darker colors — can contribute to lip darkening, so switch to lip balm or a lip gloss with just a hint of color.
Put sunscreen on your kisser. Use sunscreen whenever you go out in the sun to keep your upper lip from getting darker — the sun can increase the amount of pigment in your lips.
Avoid habits that can darken your skin. Cigarettes, coffee, and tea not only stain your teeth — they can also darken your lip. Quitting smoking and giving up coffee and tea can help reduce the staining.
Make a little lemon aid. Lemon juice is famous for its skin-lightening abilities. Apply it straight from the lemon or mix up a paste of equal parts lemon juice, yogurt, and honey. Leave the paste on for a half hour, then scrub it off.
Try a lime and honey treatment. A mixture of lime juice, honey, and glycerine can help lighten the skin of your upper lip. You’ll need to apply it daily for several weeks before you see any positive effects.
Lighten your upper lip with almonds. After exfoliating your lips, rub on some almond milk or almond oil and let it sit on your lips for at least an hour. Apply every day for several weeks.
Experiment with some other all-natural remedies. Try using the juice from beets, pomegranates, or coriander to lighten your upper lip. Apply the juice to the lip several times a day.
Soften your lips. Moisturizing your upper lip can help lighten the skin. Try a product like Vaseline, shea butter, or a lip balm to help condition your lips and lighten them. Apply every night and as needed during the day.
Ask your doctor for help. If home skin-lightening treatments don’t work, your doctor can prescribe an intensive cream to lighten your upper lip and return it to its natural color.
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