Effective Tips to Get Rid of Bad Breath

Remember the old saying “Prevention is better than cure.” It applies to various common problems including bad breath caused by our negligence. If you do not take into account appropriate measures to control bad breath in its initial stage, it means you’re making your life harder deliberately.
Here are some important tips as how to prevent bad breath or halitosis. Follow these tips and bring them into practice; you will notice a gradual improvement in your breath.
1. Drink Plenty of Water
This sounds very simple and everyone can do this. Bad breath is caused by bacteria. It’s the bacteria that break down sugar and protein into volatile sulphur compounds (VSCs) to create bad smell. Drinking water frequently, creates an unpleasant environment for these bacteria. So do not forget to take a bottle of spring water wherever you go.
2. Maintain a Good Oral Hygiene
Good hygiene surely helps you to control bad breath. Do not forget to brush your teeth preferably two times a day. In addition, you can clean your tongue using a brush or tongue scraper. Anaerobic bacteria remain on the back of your tongue. Aclean tongue makes the conditions bitter for these bacteria.
3. Rinse your Mouth with Salt Water
Rinsing with salt water is a great way to get rid of bad breath. Rinse your mouth with salt in lukewarm water once in a day. Salt is the most effective and easy way to fight bacteria and even stops decaying your teeth. Salt is an alternative of listrine mouthwash. Rinsing with salt also stops gums from becoming weak.
4. Rinse your Mouth after Every Meal
This is very important to rinse your mouth after every meal especially when you eat sweets. Ignoring this can cause serious damage to your teeth and develop bad breath. People usually ignore rinsing their mouth after eating but his unhealthy habit gradually causes bad breath and make their teeth weak.
5. Use Cardamom
This is a most effective way to temporarily control bad breath. Wherever you go you can put some cardamoms in your mouth and keep some in your pockets or purse whenever needed, cardamom will give you a fresh feeling and temporarily stop the bad breath.
6. Eat Crisp Fruits & vegetables 
Eat crisp fruits and vegetables such as cucumber, carrot, celery and apple as these will clean your mouth naturally. Eating these will remove food and plaque between your teeth and gums.
Bad breath can be a big problem but there is no need to worry a lot about it as it has a cure, but remember that everything takes time, don’t expect results in a couple of hours. Remember to make a plan and follow it, this will surely remove your bad breath.

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